
About Exoscale

Exoscale provides Cloud hosting with an emphasis on Simplicity, Scalability and Safety for SaaS companies, developers, sysadmins worldwide.

Based in Lausanne Switzerland, and with data centers spread-out through-out Switzerland, Exoscale benefits from the data protection granted by Swiss laws.

Exoscale offers fast, low-latency SSD Virtual Machines starting at 5 € per month and a S3 compatible Object Storage through a simple and intuitive web administration interface.

Request a Trial token and start building a scalable infrastructure in seconds!

Why we are partnering with dotScale

We are main sponsors of dotScale since three years now. We are always happy to meet the community, get feedback and get to know new developers and SaaS startups. Unfortunately, up until now, operating from the data-safety haven that is Switzerland has come at a price that proved a show-stopper for some of them.

But this year is different! We are proud to come back to this venue with a substantial reduction of our prices and a new full-SSD zone. To us, it is most important that you don't have to choose between price and safety anymore.